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We specialize in treating head, neck, and back pain caused by conditions such as pinched nerves, herniated discs, migraines, and chronic pain.
We use advanced diagnostic tools including MRI, CT scans, X-rays, and nerve tests to accurately identify the root cause of your pain.
The DRX9000 is a state-of-the-art spinal decompression machine that gently stretches the spine, relieving pressure on discs and nerves to reduce pain.
During your first visit, we will conduct a thorough evaluation using diagnostic tools to determine the source of your pain and create a personalized treatment plan.
Many of our patients are able to avoid surgery through our effective, non-invasive treatment options that address the root cause of pain and promote healing.
Our treatments have an impressive success rate of 99%, helping patients achieve significant pain relief and improved quality of life.
“You can’t go wrong here. I receive the best care and attention. The nursing staff and doctors are amazing and take their time with you. I felt better walking out here every time.”
“Still very professional but a much more relaxed atmosphere. This makes for a more comfortable experience which is helpful in dealing with medical issues.”
“It has been very effective, in my opinion. It has made everyone more relaxed in a very comfortable atmosphere, staff and patients included. We have always felt like family here, even more so now.”